Carolina Style Cole Slaw
1 pound cabbage - shredded/finely chopped
1 Carrot, - shredded or diced into match sticks
    (I used a potato peeler)
1 Red onion,- diced
1 Anaheim pepper, diced
    (or sub a small bell pepper if you wish)
½ cup white or cider vinegar - (original recipe
    called for white–I’ve used both successfully
½ cup white sugar of Splenda (depending on how
    healthy you want to be–I used Splenda with my
    buddies and nobody noticed)
¼ cup vegetable oil
Celery seed

Put cabbage, carrot, onion, and green pepper
    into large bowl or zip-lock bag
In a small saucepan, combine vinegar, sugar,
    and oil–heat to boiling
Immediately pour over vegetables and toss to
    get desired wilting (let it cool a bit if tossing
    in a plastic bag, like I do when camping)
Add salt, pepper, and celery seed to taste
    and toss
Cover or seal and let sit several hours (or
    overnight, as I prefer) in refrigerator

Comments: (I did half a head of green and half of purple cabbage this time, and I thought the purple bled into the rest of the slaw too much)